Redeemed Beauty

Warrior princess, you’ve been redeemed, you are chosen and you are extravagantly loved.

Even in the most mundane, little tasks let your beauty shine.

Do not let negativity – yours or that of others – quench your fire.

Do not stop the naysayers – you can’t. But with  gentleness, direct them.

Let the Lover of your soul sit enthroned in your heart – do not be fooled nor conceited – for only He, the King of kings, is your Vindication.Β 

Delight to hide, to rest, to walk in the shadow of His wings, and let others gaze not on yours but His beauty.

Repairing Anya Forger

Four year-old Kuya Hope and I were so excited to open the new parcel.

It was a paint-by-numbers kit of Anya Forger, the little kid spy in SpyxFamily. Anya has telephatic abilities, unbeknownst to her adoptive parents.

But this post isn’t about Anya. Let me share with you my thoughts as I tried my best to “repair” Anya.

When we opened the parcel, I told little Kuya Hope that I can only help him with the first color. He’ll have to do the rest of the painting. I’ll help him with some repairs later on after he’s done. He happily agreed.

We sort of finished number 1 the first night.

The next day, Kuya Hope and I had our simultaneous paint-by-numbers activity. He worked on Anya while I worked on Asian Princess.

Kuya Hope cheerily went thru the activity. Every now and then, I helped him to close and open little paint lids and refill his little cup of paint water. (You need a little bit of water to rinse off your brush before proceeding to the next color). For someone his age, I’m proud to report that he didn’t make a major-major spill.

Perhaps a good one hour has passed when Kuya Hope announced that he was done. He told me that I had to repair Anya. I looked at the painting.

He was able to paint correctly, according to number. There was a glob here… and there… and wow, alright, a glob there, too. I tried to see it thru my kindergarten eyes.

I asked little Kuya Hope to confirm if he enjoyed the activity. I praised his efforts and his focus. I assured him that it would be easier to repair Anya once the first coat of paint has dried up.

I remember the little one saying, “I made a mistake.” The way he said it so casually reminded me of the purity and beauty of a child’s humility. We can learn so much from little ones if we only take the time to listen.

As I repaired Anya, I pondered on these questions: How much time in our lives do we spend repairing just to show a beautiful picture? How many globs do we need to paint over or straighten out for the end result to be close to perfection? How humble are we to admit that we’ve made a mistake?

If perfectionism is your addiction, perhaps ‘Be perfect, just as your Father is perfect,” is one of your favorite Bible verses or mantra.

Yet we can never fully attain perfection this side of eternity, can we? We can only be faithful in the little things and do everything – no matter how little – with great love. Do everything as unto the LORD, not as unto men.

A life of worship is a life of peace, beauty and perfection – not in the eyes of people – but in the eyes of our loving Heavenly Father.

Perfection on this side of eternity is fickle and finicky. Perfection in God’s eyes, on the other hand, is a matter of the heart.

How’s your heart today?

Mom and son “collab” 😊 I purchased this paint-by-numbers kit from TikTokShop.

Hush, hush my mind

Sharing some parts of my quiet time for today (Matthew 24; Luke 21; Romans 12:2; Colossians 3:2-10).

Ongoing war in Israel. Families and children being killed left and right.

Earthquake this morning at 8:24am.

A Filipino “drag queen” who used ‘Ama Namin’ in a party (and said ‘Thank you for coming to church’ after the performance) got jailed but is receiving tremendous financial and “moral” support.

I think news can either be alarming or sobering, burdensome or encouraging, depending on how I perceive and receive it.

Matthew 24:8 says “All these are the beginning of birth pains.”

I need to continually sort thru whatever I read, watch or listen to, and file them into little compartments or bin them out.

It can be overwhelming to think about what I’m thinking about. It drains me.

If things were all up to me, I could probably cocoon myself to death.

But as a wife and a mom, I cannot do that.

Giving birth (even with epidural) is painful, messy, beautiful.

The LORD prompts me to pray. He admonishes me that His Word is true. That He is a shield to all who find refuge in Him.

And yes, be transformed by the continual renewing of my mind.

Mental health is possible when the mind is filled not with news but with the truth of God’s Word.

A joyful perspective is possible when I am heavenly-minded.

Weekday Getaway

Our little one woke up almost as soon as I was ready to get outside.

Those purple flowers open each morning then close in the evening. Do you know what they’re called?
The ‘mountain cat’ welcomed us the previous night and greeted us in the morning. Kitty lingered until we checked out.
We were a bit early for breakfast.

When our little one was told that lumpiang shanghai (spring rolls) weren’t available, the threenager replied, “No problem.” The restaurant manager smiled.

The breakfast didn’t sit well with our little guy’s tummy but that didn’t stop us from having a great day still!

We explored the Pueblo del Amor field and gathered dried leaves for our online playgroup that Thursday.

Mt. Malarayat paints a picturesque venue for team building or family outdoor exercises.
Makahiya or Touch Me Not plant. Various studies show these are medicinal.
They have a barn!
Tractor driver pretend play.
The day’s canvas.

Nature has a way of inspiring us to be a better version of ourselves. It invites one to slow down and reflect on the things that really matter.

Pueblo del Amor not only inspired me but reminded me of the kind of adventures I’d like our family to have. I’d surely love to go back.

A Life of Art

Your life without a computer: what does it look like?

Art comes in various forms.

I am not an expert on art, I am not an expert on anything except my own life.

With its many twists and turns, life they say imitates art but in reality, art imitates life.

The greatest Artist I know is an expert on sunsets and sunrises.

His canvas? The whole of creation.

And that includes you and me.

Have you ever considered yourself a canvas? If you haven’t until today, this is something true about you: you are God’s masterpiece.

Yes, you are.

Before you were even a tiny dot in your mother’s womb, He already knew you.

He has determined the dates of your birth and death and where you’ll live.

He knows exactly how many strands of hair are on your head. He doesn’t mind what style or color you flaunt it with, or if you shed it all. He loves you.

He created you and I to create.

And to create, I must.

I build as I become.

I write even when He’s already written all there is I need to learn.

Without AI or a computer, perhaps my life would be much slower. Quieter.

I wouldn’t be able to go a million miles beyond the confines of my home and perhaps some nearby beaches.

I’ll be practicing more of calligraphy and my native alphabet.

I’ll probably have more time cultivating a garden or perusing books, smelling its pages, each turn like music to my ears while my mind watches the text come alive.

Perhaps I’ll be at the shoreline each day never miss a single sunrise and sunset for the rest of my days.

I can paint alone or let the Master paint on me. Let Him color me with His love.

And as He colors me, I will become colorblind to mankind’s differences and marvel at the one thing that connects us all.

It isn’t a rainbow. It isn’t a microchip. It isn’t a digital imprint.

It’s the blood He shed thousands of years ago, for you and I, and even for those who are yet to be born.

Bring your kids to Jesus

Some people brought their small children to Jesus so he could touch them. But his followers told the people to stop bringing their children to him.

When Jesus saw this, he was displeased. He said to them, β€œLet the little children come to me. Don’t stop them. The kingdom of God belongs to people who are like these little children. I tell you the truth. You must accept the kingdom of God as a little child accepts things, or you will never enter it.” Then Jesus took the children in his arms. He put his hands on them and blessed them.

Mark 10:13‭-‬16 ICB

Note to self. God hasn’t called you to keep looking over your shoulder and see how other parents or experts are raising their kids.

While it helps to listen and glean from the wisdom of those who have “been there, done that” with exemplary results, God’s purpose for your children – and your family – is as unique as your fingerprints.

Raise your son not as a mini version of you – he isn’t, he shouldn’t be – but as God has designed him to be.

Children don’t come with operating manuals because they’re not supposed to be mechanical.


Children don’t come with operating manuals because they’re not supposed to be mechanical.

Bring your son to Jesus, not just Sunday School! Pray for him, for yourself, for your family.

Pray WITH him. Oh, let him pray un-memorized prayers, prayers from his heart! Let him exercise his faith muscles.

Let him see in your life how real God is, that His love is tangible, His love comes softly, His love is gentle.

Let him experience God’s undivided attention, His listening heart, His compassion, His courage.

Let him know that God is saddened and angered by sin, that He disciplines those who are His and that the freedom He gives frees you to be good people, to do good deeds, not wayward ones.

Discipline. Disciple. Do you see it?

Whether you’re happily married or a solo parent, if you are in Christ, the Holy Spirit IS your partner in parenting. You are not alone!

Protect your children, by all means, protect them from the ways of the world and trends that bend the truth!

“Jesus IS the Way, the Truth and the Life,” is more than just a memory verse. It is foundational – for you, your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Rest in the Truth that, indeed, you and your children are not your own. You belong to Jesus. Bring your kids to Jesus!

Bring yourself, too.

The Holy Spirit is a Person

Revival is tied to a Person.

The psalmist invites those who fear the LORD, those who are afraid and oppressed, “Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!” (Psalm 34:8)

While a church community can be good and helpful, the Person of the Triune God – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit – cannot be grasped fully with the intellect nor in a crowd but embraced by the soul in solitude.

As I get acquainted with my Almighty Creator, I taste and see His goodness. I learn to accept myself (and others) as “fearfully and wonderfully made” by Him, equally and unconditionally loved.

The journey doesn’t stop there. Yes, each human being is created in the image and likeness of God, but part of the reality, as the Pharisees say, is that we are all “steeped in sin at birth.” It is humbling.

Children have a natural bent towards sin. We all sin, naturally. As I observe my 4 year-old daily, his natural bent becomes more evident.

“Even a child is known by his behavior. His actions show if he is innocent and good.” Proverbs 20:11 ICB

Kids are like sponges, true. They easily absorb what they are exposed to, yes. Yet no matter how loving and peaceful the environment is, I need to recognize as a grown-up that kids are also naturally sinful beings.

This allows me to see each kid thru the lens of compassion: they, too, need someone not only to tell them but to let them tangibly experience Jesus’ love. They, too, need to know that forgiveness is available and that nobody is too young (or too old) to be “born again.”

We are all sinful human beings. We all sin and not one of us can meet God’s righteous standards.

As I journey from mere knowledge about God the Creator towards more intimacy with Him as my Heavenly Father, I see my need for a Savior to rescue me from the direness of sin, or even save me from myself. God is Holy, I am not.

That’s where I behold Jesus. Or the hem of His garment. Or the foot of His cross.

Blessed is the human being who beholds Christ in good fortune… but I submit to you, dear reader, the human being who, in desperation, is embraced by Mercy, is more likely to remain loyal to Christ in and through any misfortune.

Mercy was there when Stephen was being stoned to his death, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.”

Mercy was there when Jesus hung on the cross and He prayed, still, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”

As I behold Jesus, He lavishes His mercy on me. As I behold His purity, I cry out all the more against my sin, my ego, my rights, and I am brought to repentance. I weep and wail for myself and on behalf of those who are yet to behold Him.

There is a certain chaos to quietness. I can be quiet but in a state of unrest. That unrest causes me to ask, to seek, to knock, that I may have “the peace that surpasses all understanding.”

Apart from Christ’s shed blood, death and resurrection, nobody qualifies entry to Heaven. I realize that free will, positive-thinking or philosophy can not bring that peace.

In John 14:15-21, Jesus speaks:

β€œIf you love me, you will do the things I command. I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper. He will give you this Helper to be with you forever. The Helper is the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept Him because it does not see Him or know Him. But you know Him. He lives with you and He will be in you.

β€œI will not leave you all alone like orphans. I will come back to you. In a little while the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live, you will live, too. On that day you will know that I am in my Father. You will know that you are in me and I am in you. He who knows my commands and obeys them is the one who loves me. And my Father will love him who loves me. I will love him and will show myself to him.” John 14:15‭-‬21 ICB

I hear my little homeschooler sing, enunciating the P, “You’ll receive Power / when the Holy SPirit / has come uPon you / you’ll be My witnesses…”

The Holy Spirit is a Person, and He comes in Jesus’ name. Apart from Christ, we cannot behold His Spirit. Follower of Christ, the Holy Spirit is in you and with you. Love Him. Behold Him. Let Him nourish and revive your soul.

R is for Revival

I speak to the tired one who’s putting it all together for her King.

The King of kings has got this and His strength is perfected in your weakness! Strengthen your feeble knees, make level paths for your feet and His light will shine on you.

Shun the lies of the enemy against your divine birthright. YOU are a princess, you are a warrior and you are His! No weapon formed against you shall stand. His purpose and glory will prevail over you, for you and not against you.

Repent – turn away – from the sins that chain you down! Confess your sins to the LORD and He will forgive you. He is ready to forgive you. He took every scourge, He shed His blood, He was nailed on the Cross and He rose again for you!

Renew your mind, brave one! Your voice may have been suppressed but the time has come for you to roar once more, to rise above the ashes of the past laden with chaos, confusion, sickness, loneliness, hopelessness and despair!

You are not defeated! Victory is yours! YESHUA has prevailed! His heel may have been bruised at the Cross but His death and resurrection has crushed the serpent’s head!

This is no accident. He invites you —

β€­β€­β€œCome, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you without money, come, buy, and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost!Why spend money on that which is not bread, and your labor on that which does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of foods.

Isaiah 55:1-2 BSB

You don’t want to miss Him. Your soul needs Him. Your spirit longs for His Spirit. Come to Him. Come alive once more.

The battle in your mind.

What could you let go of, for the sake of harmony?

Let go of people’s expectations so you can have harmony inside and out.

They say a little competition doesn’t hurt anyone; it’ll be fun, it’ll push people up.

They’re right – to some extent.

If you feel this endless desire to cast shade on someone else to lift yourself up, then you’re in trouble.

The best competition we win is not against someone else. We win best when we first win against the competition in our mind.

No wonder the Bible tells us in Romans 12:2, “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”

What’s competing for your attention? Your life won’t change unless you change your thoughts first.

This, however, doesn’t apply to the identity that God gave you when He created you in your mother’s (whether biological or surrogate) womb.

No amount of therapy can change what God has designed for you when He first made you. Perhaps, in the midst of everything you’ve tried out there, His design is what you’ve been yearning for. Make a U-turn. He’s waiting.

Aglio Olio, anyone?

My version of Aglio Olio.

One good thing (among several other lessons) that the pandemic taught me is this: cooking is a life skill!

Is cooking an art, too? I am yet to find out for myself.